H.E. Ambassador İrfan Neziroğlu's article on the occasion of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day

Hartum Büyükelçiliği 15.07.2020

July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day of Turkey - Story of an Unprecedented Betrayal/Treachery

There are special days in the histories of nations, like victory dates or independence dates which are remembered and celebrated enthusiastically. However, there are also some sad days that should not be forgotten, like July 15 for Turkish people.

Today is the 4th anniversary of heinous July 15, 2016 foiled coup attempt against Turkish state and people by Gulenist terrorist organisation (FETÖ). A small military junta, (members of FETÖ), tried to overthrow the democratically elected government and assassinate President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Tanks and heavily armoured vehicles occupied the main arteries of Istanbul, Ankara and many cities, turned their barrel on civilians. Fighter jet pilots bombed the Turkish Parliament, the Presidential Compound, the National Intelligence Headquarters and Special Forces Headquarters in an effort to subdue the resistance against them. 251 innocent people fell victim to terrorists and 2,000 more were injured.

It was an unprecedented terrorist attack in the history of Turkey. The shocking scenes of the night of 15 July 2016 are still vivid in our memories. Every Turkish citizen has a different memory of 15 July. Here is my story as an eyewitness. I was the Secretary General of Turkish Parliament during this coup attempt. The noise of low flying military jets was not normal but nobody expected such a betrayal. After few urgent telephone calls, I noticed that this is a terrorist coup attempt. When I left home to house of Parliament’s Speaker, my children were crying and begging me not to go. They were exposed the high noise of warplanes and afraid a lot.

Turkish Parliament has quickly became a symbol of resistance within a few hours. The members of parliament, journalists and parliamentary staff gathered there. It was an extraordinary plenary session attended by almost all political parties to defend Turkish democracy and resist the coup attempt. When the parliamentarians started to give messages to people against this heinous coup attempt, the Parliament became a target immediately.

I will never forget the bombing of Parliament. Members of this terrorist organisation bombed Turkish parliament with Turkish jets. They bombed the representatives of Turkish people three times, to silence them and to demoralise people on the streets against coup attempt. We moved the shelter after bombings. The plenary partially destroyed. Allah protected us. We still protect the hit column as a museum, as a memory not to forget this betrayal. We stayed awake in the Parliament till the morning.

The strong leadership of HE President Erdoğan was decisive in halting this bloody coup attempt. All the components of the government, leading AK Party, opposition, media and most importantly Turkish people from all walks of life took heed of President Erdogan’s call and stood against this heinous act.

The heinous attempt was clearly perpetrated by the Gulenist Terrorist Organisation (FETO) headed by Fethullah Gulen who considers himself as the “Imam of the Universe” and his followers who has been infiltrated in critical state institutions such as the armed forces, national police, intelligence, judiciary, central bank, treasury, prime ministry. No institution (government or private) was immune from their infiltration.

Senior government officials, businessmen, academics, political party leaders, journalists, actors, heads of nongovernmental organizations have been targeted by this terrorist group. Anyone who they refused to cooperate were put in prison based on false accusations, or even worse, some were killed.

July 15 coup attempt showed the consolidated strength and perseverance for the Turkish democracy. All Turkish citizens (young, old, men, women) notwithstanding their political stances, all the political parties, both in government and in opposition, uninfected elements of Armed Forces, the Police forces and media stood up against the coup attempt. When the attempt was overturn by the will of people, weeks-long manifestations of victory had been held through the country.

We decisively continue our fight against FETO, internally and externally, with rule of law, democracy and morality, which they despise most.

All Turkey is aware of the strong support of Sudanese people to Turkey during these difficult days. We know that they have not slept all night and prayed for us. I would like to thank all my Sudanese sisters and brothers.

This is part of my story but there are many other stories, some of them are very tragic. You can read the whole story of July 15 attempt in English, Arabic and many other different languages at https://www.tccb.gov.tr/faaliyetler/15temmuz/ July 15 Coup Attempt and People’s Victory

Once again, we strongly condemn the heinous coup attempt and commemorate our martyrs and veterans with respect. May Allah rest their souls.

Dr. İrfan Neziroğlu

Ambassador of Turkey to Sudan