30 August, Victory Day Message of The Turkish Embassy in Khartoum

Hartum Büyükelçiliği 30.08.2021

Today the Republic of Turkey celebrates with heartfelt emotions the 99th anniversary of Victory Day, which is a milestone in the Turkish history.

This victory of August 30, 1922 paved the way for the liberation of the Turkish territory and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, our steadfast armed forces gained victory over the imperialist occupying forces in Anatolia and created our modern & democratic Republic, which we are proud of.

The Victory of August 30 is the declaration of our nation’s will to the entire world to live independently on its homeland which it deems to be more precious than its own life.

Having shaped the history with its political and social consequences, this Victory became a source of inspiration and hope for many oppressed nations who fought a war of independence against imperialists.

As we did 99 years ago, today the Republic of Turkey still preserves the same determination and dedication to defeat any threat, attack or attempt undermining our political and economic independence.

On this occasion, we remember our founding fathers and all the heroes and martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the Turkish nation and future of the country, with deep respect and appreciation.